Best Size Fish Tank for Fish Keeping Beginners

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Categoria: Blog | Mercoledì 25 Maggio 2022, When you'r going to begin the fish keeping hobby, how to choose the right fish tank? As a beginner, there are many newbie ornamental fish to choose from, but it's difficult to choose the right size tank if you have not idea about gallon volume. Generally, 1 gallon can hold on 3.785 L water, weights approximately 1 kilogram. Before choose the fish tank, you can evaluate how weight your fish tank stand can hold up. If you put the tank on the table, it's also important to know the endurance of the it. So for fish keeping beginners, the 5 - 8 gallon fish tank is the recommended one, because their weight is between 18.9 - 30.3 kilogram, that's the properly weight for most tables so it's unnecessary to prepare stand for your new tank.

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