CFO Summit 2022: Terna receives the Business International Finance Award

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Categoria: Economia | Venerdì 01 Luglio 2022, Terna has received the Business International Finance Award 2022, dedicated to businesses that have implemented innovative strategies and projects in the areas of Administration, Finance and Control, ESG and Risk Management. Specifically, it has been rewarded in the “Non financial indicator, ESG e Bilancio Sostenibilità” category for its 2021 Integrated Report, which was presented for the first time with the approval of last year’s results.

Responsible reporting, Terna wins the Business International Finance Award 2022

Terna , the Italian national transmission grid operator, has received the Business International Finance Award 2022. The accolade was recognition of the Group’s commitment over many years to implementing innovative strategies and projects in the areas of Administration, Finance and Control, ESG and Risk Management. The company led by CEO and General Manager Stefano Donnarumma has been rewarded in the “Non financial indicator, ESG e Bilancio Sostenibilità” category for its 2021 Integrated Report, which was presented for the first time with the approval of the 2021 results. The award ceremony was held on 15 June 2022 at the CFO Summit, the annual event held in Milan that brings together Chief Financial Officers from leading companies and professionals in the sector. Terna has received the Business International Finance Award based on the opinion expressed by a jury of experts from different Institutions and Universities. The Group has been rewarded for its 2021 Integrated Report which, based on an innovative detailing of capital that also includes infographics, presents an overview on the strong relationships between Terna and all its stakeholders, focusing also on a culture of sustainability that is now an intrinsic part of all the company’s projects.
Terna’s commitment to responsible reporting: the Group’s first Integrated Report

From 2021, Terna’s Annual Report contains the first Integrated Report, whose aim is to fully espouse an approach based on “Integrated thinking”. The Integrated Report presents all the Group’s financial and non-financial data in a single document that includes the Report on Operations, the Sustainability Report, the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Separate Financial Statements and the Green Bond Report. The Report uses the framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (“IIRC”) and adopts an approach that sees corporate performances in a wider context of creating value over time. Furthermore, it rests its foundations on national and international decarbonisation target and is in line with the needed energy transition which Terna is directing. Its layout is based on an innovative detailing of capital, beginning with financial and infrastructural capital before moving on to the more “intangible” forms of capital, namely intellectual capital, human capital, social and relationship capital, and natural capital. The result is a thorough overview on the Group’s commitment to responsible reporting, through which Terna intends to constantly strengthen its relationships with all its stakeholders, a commitment that has been recognised with the Business International Finance Award 2022. As for future projects, the company led by Stefano Donnarumma continues to accelerate its commitment to sustainability – the key driver of the 2021-2025 “Driving Energy” Industrial Plan – with further 10 billion euros in investments for Italy’s energy transition.

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