How to become a youtuber part 2

Approfondimenti su: Video online ultima settimana e Video online ultimo mese

Categoria: Video online | Martedì 12 Settembre 2017,

In previous part “How to become a YouTuber? – part 1” I’ve discussed the beginnings of any YouTuber and mentioned the things that are absolutely necessary to begin recording your own videos. However, believe me when I say it, I’ve searched Youtube high and low in search of various gaming channels to see “how a gamer’s channel should look like to guarantee success.” Truth be told, good editing skills, as well as good idea for a channel, doesn’t guarantee that you will pass even 100 subscribers. I’ve seen channels that were incredibly designed, with excellent intro cinematics, enticing thumbnails and pretty good content overall, yet they were unable to achieve more than 50 views per video. In the second part of my article, I will give reasons why some YouTubers can’t go past 100 subscribers and give a few hints to overcome those problems.

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