Jerusalem embassy act, Trump able to transform Francesco into a conservative

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Categoria: dal Mondo | Domenica 10 Dicembre 2017, It was Bill Clinton in 1995 who promulgated the Jerusalem embassy act, with which the United States of America recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and took the commitment to transfer its diplomatic representation to it. And yet it was only an announcement to Donald Trump, to find himself against all the means of disinformation that now decide autonomously the global agenda of favorites to which the so-called international community aligns with the plethora of organizations engaged in observing unarmed and complying with pleasure, the world order dictated by the overbearing force of liberticidal terrorism. Except for the Philippines and the Czech Republic, which naturally joined forces with Israel, the only democratic force in the field can ensure respect for and exercise of the rights of the Creeds claiming Jerusalem as a sacred place for initiation and Faith, Trump has them all against, including Putin's Russia. The strength of his sudden decision to break every hypocritical delay and start the solution of the uncontrolled problems of the Middle East, has been so disruptive as to be able to transform into a perfect preserver of the status quo Francesco, the champion par excellence of modern doctrinal revolutions . Feeling reassured that the cradle of Christ remains hostage to hamas rather than being kept free and safely guarded by the major Israelite brothers remains a mystery of faith. A sort of modern miracle that prevents the understanding of ordinary mortals. However, it seems that the spirits are calming after the first rockers on command, also frustrated by seeing the flares defused in flight by iron dome, the almost infallible system that intercepts the Iranian missiles Qassam fired by Hamas and Hezbollah posted in southern Lebanon . Off the limelight, Trump signed another decree. Those who look at the navel then shifted their attention and wondered if Italy had followed the American ally and laid the groundwork to move its legation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as if the Palestinians and the Israelis changed something that a small state disarmed and always in the bill, open an embassy. It would be funny if there were not to cry ...

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