Outdoor Adventures and Nature Spots from Lucknow to Ayodhya

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Categoria: Viaggi | Domenica 26 Maggio 2024, The journey from Lucknow to Ayodhya is a captivating experience that offers spiritual and historical insights and a plethora of outdoor adventures and nature spots. Stretching over 135 kilometers, this route is a treasure trove of scenic landscapes, wildlife sanctuaries, lush gardens, and serene riversides. Here's a guide to some of the best outdoor adventures and nature spots you can explore from Lucknow to Ayodhya.
Kukrail Forest Reserve
Kukrail Forest Reserve, located on the outskirts of Lucknow, is a fantastic starting point for nature enthusiasts. This reserve is home to the Gharial Rehabilitation Center, which focuses on conserving this endangered species. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful walk through the dense forests, spot various bird species, and even see the gharials in their natural habitat. The lush greenery and tranquil environment make it a perfect spot for a picnic or a relaxing day out.
Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary
Located approximately 45 kilometres from Lucknow, the Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary is a haven for bird watchers and nature lovers. This sanctuary is home to various migratory and resident birds, including pintails, purple herons, and kingfishers. The best time to visit is during winter when the refuge is teeming with migratory birds. Walking trails and observation towers allow visitors to experience the sanctuary's beauty up close. The serene lake within the sanctuary adds to the charm, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful retreat.
Dudhwa National Park
Although a bit of a detour, Dudhwa National Park, located around 200 kilometres from Lucknow, is worth the visit for wildlife enthusiasts. The park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including tigers, leopards, elephants, and various deer species. Safari tours offer a thrilling opportunity to spot these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The park also features several wetlands, which attract numerous bird species, making it a paradise for bird watchers.
Parijaat Tree
Near Barabanki, about 40 kilometres from Lucknow, stands the ancient Parijaat tree, a revered and mythical tree believed to be over a thousand years old. According to local legends, this tree is associated with various mythological stories and is considered sacred. The sprawling branches and the serene surroundings make it a peaceful spot for contemplation and connection with nature.
Saryu River Banks
As you approach Ayodhya, the serene banks of the Saryu River offer a picturesque setting for relaxation and reflection. The river is significant for its religious importance and provides a tranquil environment for visitors. You can take a boat ride on the river, enjoy the beautiful sunrise or sunset, and experience the peaceful ambience. The ghats along the river are ideal for a stroll, and they come alive with vibrant activities and rituals during festivals.
Ram Ki Paidi
Located on the banks of the Saryu River in Ayodhya, Ram Ki Paidi is a series of significant ghats for their religious and historical importance. This area is beautifully maintained and offers a peaceful environment where visitors can enjoy the river's scenic beauty. When illuminated, the ghats are incredibly picturesque during the evening, and the river's reflection creates a magical atmosphere. It's a perfect spot for photography and soaking in the spiritual ambience.
Faizabad’s Gulab Bari
On your way to Ayodhya, stop at Faizabad to visit the Gulab Bari or the "Garden of Roses." This beautiful garden surrounds the tomb of Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula and is known for its well-maintained rose plants and lush greenery. The garden offers a peaceful retreat and is an excellent place for leisurely walking amidst the fragrant blooms. The historical significance and the natural beauty of Gulab Bari make it a must-visit spot.
Guitar Ghat
Located near Faizabad, Guptar Ghat is another serene spot on the banks of the Saryu River. This ghat is historically significant as it is believed to be where Lord Rama took his final dip before leaving for his heavenly abode. The peaceful surroundings and the beautiful river views make Guitar Ghat an ideal place for meditation and relaxation. You can also enjoy a boat ride on the river and experience the area's tranquillity.
Ayodhya Hills
Not far from the central city of Ayodhya, the Ayodhya Hills provide a scenic escape into nature. The hills are covered with dense forests and are home to various wildlife species. Hiking and trekking trails are available for adventure seekers, offering a chance to explore the area's natural beauty. The panoramic views from the top of the hills are breathtaking and provide a perfect backdrop for photography.
Turtle Conservation Project, Ayodhya
The Turtle Conservation Project in Ayodhya offers a unique experience for those interested in wildlife conservation. This project focuses on protecting and rehabilitating endangered turtle species in the region. Visitors can learn about the efforts to conserve these turtles and see them up close in their

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