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Categoria: Motori | Mercoledì 19 Aprile 2023, "Overall, Geometry Dash is an excellent game; yet, the developers probably won't see this. The full version includes levels like fingerdash and deadlocked, in addition to the standard levels that are available in the free version. And there are a lot more. The only thing I have to say is that it seems difficult to move on to the higher, meant to be easier, and harder levels after beating levels like clutterfunk and all of the free levels. Regardless of whether the level you are playing on is even an absurd level. corresponding to blast processing and geometric dominator. When moving from clutterfunk to one of the two levels, those are not considered insane, but they are challenging to finish. Additionally, Electrodynamix ought to be given a demon level.
The last point is that some of the coins ought to be a little simpler to obtain. Okay, this is undoubtedly my final gripe. The only two methods to obtain orbs in a day are to open chests or advance further than ever on a level while achieving a high score. I badly need orbs to buy things from the shop. I've previously completed all of the daily and free levels. Furthermore, I am unable to accomplish any of the new levels or the weekly levels. The gauntlets typically require a lot of work and don't yield a lot of orbs. You should include a new, simpler method to obtain orbs. Robtop's game is fantastic overall though.

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