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Categoria: Politica | Domenica 24 Giugno 2018, When democracy is a precious good only if my ideas prevail in the people. In the last seven long years, our Italy has been firmly held in the hands of the illuminati; those with a splendid, adamantine, universalist, egalitarian thought. Those who fight for harmony among the peoples of the earth at the expense of discord and social disintegration among their own fellow citizens. Wise men who have given full course to their brilliant intelligence and theorized the death of nations; the rights of minorities that become duties of majorities; the freedom of trade in the four corners of the earth; the anonymous capitals to be allocated over the unscrupulous people of sorts. They are always the same wonderful writers, journalists, politicians, financiers and maitres à penser who pretended to regret facing the more than three hundred deaths for attacks recorded in the old Europe by the terrorism of migratory origin that has denied in the blood and erased in fact every possibility of being able to trust the multicutural society, a model stubbornly advocated with every means for interests that are not difficult to imagine. Never an afterthought. With style, the prophets of regression have forced us to overcome fears and reservations by opening our hearts, our frontiers and our districts to those pilgrims of pain in good health, ask to skip history and measure directly with the society of well-being that is arrived to recognize the right to give birth to women and the right to procreate on behalf of third parties. Many, though born and raised in Europe, visibly suffer these customs irreconcilable with traditional deep convictions. Hence the maladjustment and hatred for the different infidel to be punished and re-educated by the force of terror. A theoretical model of advanced society, conceived at the table by the experts of noble thought, so open as to remove every obstacle to differences, whatever the nature of the latter. Therefore, we always keep in mind the genesis of fear and distrust for the guests imposed in the name of humanitarian lawmaking invented by splendid ignoramuses of human nature and peoples' cultures. A true and unshakeable faith in the omnipotent god of globalization, has instead triggered in the common man the primordial defense reaction to preserve with the vote of March 4, the references and the few certainties conquered with fatigue, pain, blood, sacrifice and so much , so much self-denial in the course of history. A peaceful way to reaffirm the primary need of a democratic majority to deliberate effective solutions after suffering the failures of dreams turned into nightmares by everyday realities. Reassured by comfortable lives conducted comfortably, the soloni perbenisti react decomposed on the rubble of the collapsed borders under the incessant blows of illusions that have governed Italy and the Europe of the Junker, Merkel, Macron to which the last arrived Sanchez. Angered by the polls that reveal the full adhesion of public opinion to the policies of regained pride, they find nothing better to offer than their stale bread pulled out by the NGO's gulps that Italians show they do not like anymore. And how could they otherwise think of finding suitable solutions to the problems of the whole world or even of the African continent which counts a million and two hundred million people, of whom at least eight hundred million are ready to move to our small stretch of land stretched out in the Mediterranean? Italians are not crazy. Those who think and work for this to happen, in other times would have been called "enemies" to fight, today perhaps it may be enough to give them "opponents" to be defeated in the polls...

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