Tria, we discuss Savona, but it is the reforms inspired by the Germans that threaten the EU

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Categoria: Economia | Domenica 03 Giugno 2018, We are here to discuss the problems raised in an essay written by Paolo Savona, but we avoid discussing the dangers brought to the European Union by the proposals for reform of the eurozone put on the agenda by the German economists. The new Minister, prof. Giovanni Tria who has replaced the Eurosceptic Savona with the veto suggested to Mattarella by international pressure on the formation of the first government elected by the Italians after seven uninterrupted years of Eurocentric Governments, straight on the Berlin-Brussels axis. The risk that Europe dissolves does not come from the thesis of prof. Savona, but from the errors of structural calculation in European architecture and above all from the functioning mechanisms of the Eurozone, Tria argues that probably in the coming months as Minister he will become more prudent in his analysis. In this excerpt from the radio column "transnational space" of Radio Radicale of 28 May u.s. that we offer you, you can listen to it instead, without hairs on the tongue. It will not be the whippings of Savona, but his words are in any case the wagons of the avid German budget doctrine. Europe has reached a deadlock, notes prof. Tria, among those who would like greater risk-sharing with the aim of achieving political unity, a necessary basis for holding a single currency, and those who argue that the problem is to put order in the budget of individual countries because otherwise, every other intervention would interfere with market discipline. Savona, Tria reiterates that today is Minister of Economy, is convinced that the euro can only work in a substantial structure of political union otherwise, each country is in competition with all the others. Indeed, underlines Tria, we have witnessed a European country that without consulting the other members of the Union, has launched its bomber fighters on North Africa declaring war on it through a third party. The damage he has caused us is clear to everyone and far outweighs the deficit. Rather than questioning these problems of functioning of the system, in recent years Italy has approached the negotiations at the European tables in a simplistic perspective of understanding for its deficiencies because it was granted greater flexibility of expenditure, moreover to debt. Therefore, substantial questions of principle can be understood from the words of prof. Tria that poses the imminent problem of the Fiscal Compact, that is the intergovernmental treaty of application of the budget rules that the Germans would like to acquire to the European Union. In other words, the Germans want to create a fiscal bond in the European order without recognizing Europe as a political sovereignty. Taxation, instead emphasizes the prof. Tria, is proper to sovereignty. The theses of Savona in fact that have so alarmed the Berlin-Frankfurt-Brussels axis, take the problem: national sovereignty can be surrendered exclusively to a supranational sovereignty, certainly not to an algorithm of automatic rules that leads us to crash. Tria recognizes that Italy has a big boulder that is that of debt, but all the estimates of international economists evaluate sustainable because even so far it has always been honored. The Italian debt would become unsustainable only if someone broke the confidence of the markets, alluding to a possible default. Tria raises doubts about the analysis of the Germans about the neutrality of the rules of the Fiscal Compact. The latter, in fact, cause different effects on the economies of the most indebted countries compared to those with a lower debt. On this point Italy must beat in Europe rather than on flexibility. For twenty-five years Tria notes, Italy has a primary surplus so it is not a spendthrift country, but the competition with the European "partners" and in particular with Germany does not happen on an equal level because the interest expenditure is huge at our disfavour. This demonstrates that it is not possible to provide rules that are the same for all, the commitment to return from debt must necessarily recognize a transition period in which to provide a strict constraint on current expenditure in exchange for massive European investment in return for economic growth. Finally, Tria reminds everyone that in Europe no country respects the rules, first of all Germany that for five years has recorded a budget surplus well beyond the allowance that suffocates the growth of other countries ...

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