Trump, l'uomo che molti amano e odiano allo stesso tempo

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Categoria: Salute | Sabato 03 Ottobre 2020, Il notiziario della CNN vuole farci credere che Donald Trump è un bugiardo e un razzista ma la CNN ha dimenticato che insegnano a Trump a mentire.

According to the Cable News Network, they have a qualified health journalist called Sanjay Gupta but ist's shocking to know that CNN has never spoken the truth about any pandemic in the medical history.

Everyone knows that HIV-Aids and Ebola are biological weapons but until today, CNN continues to lie to the general public that monkeys are responsible for HIV-Aids, while bats are responsible for Ebola.

Therefore, why is CNN calling Trump a liar if they have never supported the US government's lies and deceptions?

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