That’s easily fixable by using a third-party app such as Voyager (or on the web on wefwef.app)
That’s easily fixable by using a third-party app such as Voyager (or on the web on wefwef.app)
I miss those times when you actually had to learn a lot of things before being able to write stuff on the internet.
I agree with you, but at the same time if there aren’t enough users, small and niche sublemmys will never grow and have enough content to be interesting.
They’ve been recently bought by Automattic (WordPress), so this doesn’t surprise me. I wouldn’t have expected it if they were still owned by their previous owner though.
I love enabling the display of the instance of other users. It lets you realize how many small and niches instances are out there!
Good :) welcome back!
Gli investitori non potevano continuare a regalare soldi a Satispay, prima o poi sarebbe giunto il momento di monetizzare.
Ma a mio avviso questa è la morte di Satispay.
I agree. European institutions should have social presence, but most of the time that leads to random crazy people commenting under official posts.
Yes, but nobody believes those buyout requests. They’re clearly phishing attempts.
Probably. That’s the best case scenario.
But moderation is expensive and time-consuming, and we cannot just hope that volunteers will do it for free for such a risky market.
Grandissimo Velocipiedi, lo seguivo già su Instagram e ora ha iniziato a pubblicare anche su YouTube.
Le città italiane hanno un disperato bisogno di piste ciclabili fatte a regola d’arte, separate sia dai pedoni che dalle auto (ma separate fisicamente, come in Danimarca, non con una riga bianca disegnata in terra come facciamo spesso qui da noi).
Lack of moderation (given that any evil actor can spin up an instance and interact with other instances) can lead to scams, phishings, or even worse.
I’m not saying that Facebook’s moderation is much better, but at least you can look up a profile and get a sense if they’re a “real” person or not.
Also, Google will kill RCS sooner or later.
If you’re not a native English speaker, you could try joining an instance that speaks your language, for example.