On December 14th at 17:30, in the splendid setting of Villa Fondi in Piano di Sorrento, the presentation of the book titled “Stories of Ships and Sailors – A Privileged Relationship in the Relationships Between Peoples” was hosted. The book, published by Franco Di Mauro and written by multiple authors, precisely thirty-two writers, includes journalists, shipowners, captains, etc. This literary adventure was strongly desired by Prof. Agostino Aversa, who gathered these authors in a unique project, telling sad stories at times, and at other times, stories of life lived at sea, exploring and discovering. This literary masterpiece was meticulously curated by the Vulcano Printing House in Nola. This literary challenge opened the doors to a text filled with feelings, history, real-life events that directly involve the authors, with epic moments in naval history. These reconstructions, tragic and painful, recount various shipwrecks, some narrated by Prof. and writer Carmine Rotulo. The first occurred with the motor ship “Stabia Primo,” a cargo ship that sank on January 4, 1979, with a crew of 13 men, one of whom was his student named Massa Francesco, who had a smile that brought happiness to the whole class, he seemed like an angel without wings, says Professor Rotulo. Meanwhile, the assisted shipwreck of the Marina d’Equa in the Bay of Biscay was very grave, where 30 crew members perished, and there were no survivors, so Professor Rotulo tells us: “On a late summer day in 1981, a young man named Francesco Vinaccia came to my house, he worked in a restaurant where my sisters were, in Sorrento, and he asked me for a favor, if possible, he wanted to embark. In response, I told him that I knew friends from the Italmar navigation, and he was pleased. Then, he came a second time, he had to leave, and I wasn’t there, he greeted my wife and told her that he was going to leave with the Marina d’Equa, just like other young people and like Esposito Raffaele, etc. The ship sank due to damage to bulkhead number one and number two, taking in water, and subsequently the ship sank heavily." Memories of Professor Rotulo, which seem to intertwine in an unknown destiny, sometimes make him shiver, coincidences that place him at the center with his students, who will be the martyrs of these marine tragedies. A unique short film retraces this event, the nephew of the radio telegraphist Official of the Marina d’Equa, Dr. Salvo De Vita, titled: “Sea" Film Winner of the Cinema Festival (Gold Award), where Dr. De Vita himself is seen as the actor and producer of this cinema gem, which between emotion and history makes us relive those tragic moments with goosebumps of one of the characters of this mournful and unfortunate event for the navy, and not only for the entire Italy. A big thank you goes to him for bringing to light, like the various authors of the book “Stories of Ships and Sailors, a privileged relationship in the relationships between peoples" events that would have been forgotten, and it is right instead to remember and honor them.

Article by: Dr. Salvo De Vita, Rosa Calderone, Giuseppe D’Onofrio

Publication Manager: MP Productions Press Office & Productions by Salvo De Vita

Digital Distribution: Urban Dream by Mietto Elisa